An Examination Of Trouble-free Programs Of

Korean Air opens up chartered flights to Lombok Central Lombok |Sun, July 30, 2017 | 11:30 am Inaugural flight: A Korean Air plane is parked on the apron at the Lombok International Airport (LIA) in Praya, Central Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara, on July 29. (Antara/Ahmad Subaidi) A Korean Air flight landed safely at Lombok International Airport (LIA) in Central Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), on Saturday, the inaugural flight of its new Incheon–LIA direct route service. The airplane carried 194 tourists. Representatives of the Tourism Ministry, the NTB Tourism Ministry, the Central Lombok administration and state-owned airport operator Angkasa Pura I put on a welcome ceremony to mark the inaugural landing of the Korean Air plane at the airport. NTB Tourism Agency head Lalu Mohammad Faozal said Korean Air’s direct flight from Seoul, South Korea, to Lombok on Saturday was the first of seven chartered flights scheduled until October. “With the seven chartered flights, we are targeting to receive 1,400 Korean tourists who will enjoy tourist destinations in Lombok.” The 194 tourists who arrived on Saturday will be served by three tour agencies, namely Anjani Tour, Matahari Tour and Naru Tour. “Most of them will stay at 12 hotels in Senggigi, while 20 tourists will stay at Villa Ombak in Gili Trawangan,” said Faozal. The Tourism Ministry’s Asia Pacific promotion director Vinsensius Jemadu said the opening of Korean Air’s Seoul-Lombok service could not be separated from the visit of Tourism Minister Arif Yahya to South Korea in May 2016. Vinsen said there was a chance that Korean Air would transform its direct flight service to Lombok into a regular flight service. (ebf)
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A Breakdown Of Secrets Of

Setelah Lihat Kepala Tour Guide-nya Berdarah, Asty Ananta Puji Etos Kerja Orang Korea Selatan Jalan-jalan ke Korea Selatan merupakan pengalaman yang tak terlupakan bagi Asty Ananta. Laporan Wartawan Tribunnews, Lendy Ramadhan TRIBUNNEWS.COM, JAKARTA - Jalan-jalan ke Korea Selatan merupakan pengalaman yang tak terlupakan bagi Asty Ananta. Perempuan kelahiran Semarang, 33 tahun lalu itu menceritakan pengalaman tersebut kepada para awak media di sebuah restoran, daerah Jakarta Selatan, Kamis (12/4/2018). Satu hal yang paling diingat pemain sinetron Saras 008 (2001) itu, sifat orang Korea Selatan yang sangat total dalam pekerjaannya. Asty mengisahkan, seorang pemandu wisata yang tetap melayani wisatawan, walaupun dalam keadaan terluka di kepalanya. "Waktu itu tour guide aku terlihat mengeluarkan darah di kepalanya. Kita tuh tahunya pas sudah jalan lumayan jauh. Pas dia cerita, baru kita tahu kalau dia baru saja jatuh dari kamar mandi," ucapnya. "Waktu saya tanya, 'kenapa enggak bilang?' 'Kalau saya bilang, saya bisa kena skors,'" lanjutnya. Mengetahui hal tersebut, Asty memutuskan untuk ke Rumah Sakit. Ia memastikan pemandu wisata-nya mendapat pelayanan medis yang layak atas lukanya.
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